Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Where I am Going.

One of the things that we talked about in Collo this semester was where we were going and how we wanted to get there.  We came up with short-term and long-term goals.

I decided that I want to be a TV actor or a chef one day, so that is what I will strive to do.

One of the short-term goals that I proposed to get to my ultimate goal was to keep up good grades and stay in my theater classes.  This should help me build the skills I need in order to make it in the world as an actor.

The long-term goal that I proposed was to get a gig on TV such as on a network show or in a movie.  I could also get an internship somewhere where I could interact with well-known actors and directors.  This would put me in contact with the people that I would need to know to make it in the industry.

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